Git has became the most popular subversion system. Not only it is free and open source, but it also provides tons of really nice features available for everyone to use. A really nice feature that git provides out of the box is the ability to work with submodules. Why submodules ? It probably happens to everyone at some point to download a git package from some open...
Learn MoreRecently I was asked what are good practices for developing web applications and web sites. The reality is that this is something, which very often gets overlooked and unfortunately a lot of companies don’t pay enough attention to the security aspect until it is too late. In fact, that the moment you publish you app online to the world, you automatically open a...
Learn MoreAll the ajax calls that are sent from the IE and Edge are cached by Angular and I don’t get the right data from the server . Just because the http request is the same, the response is not gonna be always the same. This issue exist specifically for get requests. And it seems to me like a known bug which Microsoft needs to fix at some point. In the meanwhile here is...
Learn MoreEvery JavaScript developer had to deal at some point with the issue of referencing Lexical Scope (also called Static Scope). A common issue is when handling events and how “this” changes”. One of the most important concepts is how scope binds to “this” . A common workaround this problem in javascript is preserving the scope in a separate...
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